Preventive and corrective industrial maintenance
RAM* is a key challenge in improving the level of customer service. Planilog gathers essential functions for planning operations to implement an agile and efficient industrial maintenance strategy.
RAM: Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
How it works ?
All you need to plan and schedule your maintenance operations in real time, maintain the operational capabilities of your production facilities and extend the life of your machines and equipment.
Plan maintenance actions
Develop a preventive maintenance plan that centralizes all current work and provides a visual overview of your activities.
Reduce machine downtime
Optimize your Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) and consolidate maintenance tasks onto one hardware.
Reduce the cost of machine downtime
Choose the best time for maintenance interventions by integrating data outside your CMMS: maintenance team intervention time, weather data, expected production load.
Document your maintenance operations
Integrate document links or procedure guides into scheduled tasks. Simplify the execution of tasks by providing text data for operators.
Manage one-time or unexpected repairs
React effectively in the event of disruptions by developing an emergency maintenance plan that will be integrated into the load plan and taken into account in the calculation of capacities.
Multi-plant scheduling optimization
Anticipate resources multi-plant flows and limit the use of temporary work. Your resources flow smoothly between the different production plants.
How you benefit ?
See the first results after just a few weeks of use.
Optimizing the utilization rate of your equipment
Planilog allows you to improve Turnaround Time (TAT) and free up production capacity to meet customer demand.
Increased customer satisfaction
Planilog helps you reduce On-Time Delivery by maintaining your level of activity, and meeting time-to-order commitments.
Global Cost Reduction
Planilog optimizes machine downtime and maintenance team workloads.
Ready to get started?
Start your free trial today or contact us if you have any questions.
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Simplifiez la gestion de vos données avec les API PLANILOG

Nouveau partenaire : ADVANSYS Group, spécialiste manufacturing distribuera Planilog au Maroc !

Les améliorations fonctionnelles de Planilog - automne 2022

Une solution packagée MES + Ordo

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L’ordonnancement simple et intelligent en temps réel
Témoignage Nicolas Renard - La Manufacture Urbaine (S.E.M.U.)

La Manufacture Urbaine (S.E.M.U.)

Les améliorations fonctionnelles de Planilog en cette rentrée 2022

Ordonnancer de façon optimale en moins d'une minute, c'est maintenant possible !

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